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3/1/2022 - All policies or procedures found on the policy library ( take precedent over this site.

The College is in the midst of many changes, and we are pleased to present one of these changes: the updating and consolidation of many of the College's policies and practices in one location. Please note that this site will be under construction for some time, so we appreciate your patience. We hope that most of the basic content is sound, however please consider all of the content as DRAFT, with the exception of the Board of Regents Policies which were approved January 16, 2015, and the Employee Manual. There will be continuous improvement with the addition of hyperlinks, embedded forms, and more information added. If you have comments on a particular page, or notice an error that needs to be fixed, please let us know.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information available at the time this documentation was prepared. All information is subject to change at any time without prior notice, obligation, or liability. In case of discrepancy among the documents, the existing College catalog, business office manual, faculty handbook, and student handbook will take precedence.

Using the State Tech Wiki

Down the left hand side you will find the titles of the various "manuals". If you click on one of them, it will take you to the introductory page for that manual. At the top of that page, you will find a link to a "table of contents" for that manual, which shows a listing of articles grouped together by subject. At the bottom of that introductory page, you will articles listed alphabetically. It may prove simpler to use the search engine which is available on the right near the top of every article. It functions in the same manner as a conventional search engine on the worldwide web and is very effective!

Once the reader has used the search engine to arrive at an article, it may still be difficult to find the reference's exact location since some articles are large. We recommend the reader use the "Find on this page" (hot key = "Ctrl-F") and type in the desired key word(s). If the entry is in the article, it will be highlighted.

Within many articles the reader will notice numerous words in blue. These words are links to another article, form, figure, or website with related information. This allows the reader to effectively navigate. Many of the related forms have been embedded into the wiki, typically in their native format (where available) and also as a pdf file.

Please try this site out and let us know what you think! One of the issues to consider is what information, forms, etc. should reside in this venue versus on EagleOnline. We will be seeking your input on that as well as other improvements we can make.